Dehumanizace ostatního světa 🇮🇷 Dehumanizing the rest of the world 🌍 Samad Ali Lakizadeh
IR 🇮🇷 🌍 🇨🇿 Interview with Samad Ali Lakizadeh - Ambassadors Republic of Iran, Representative to the African Union. Rozhovor s Samad Ali Lakizadeh - velvyslanec Íránské republiky pro Africkou unii se sdílem v Addis Abeba v Etiopii. What do you think about BRICS? What do you think about PEACE? What do you think about OSN? What do you think about global politics? Interview . 2023 v Addis Abeba, Etiopie, Africa.
🇨🇿 Innovation of the Republic: 1. How can the BRICS change the global economy. What will Iranian membership in the BRICS bring for Iran and for the BRICS? 2. What are the traditions of Iran Africa relationship? How do you see the future of Iran Africa relations? 3. How will the world change in the near future? 4. What must be done to keep the world peace? 5. Iranian society is multreligious society. How do the religions coexist? 6. You have spent 4 years in Ethiopia. What can Ethiopia bring for Africa and the world?
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12 months ago 01:06:59 1
Dehumanizace ostatního světa 🇮🇷 Dehumanizing the rest of the world 🌍 Samad Ali Lakizadeh