Montgomery Speech + Various Shots Monty (1943)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Location unknown - somewhere in UK. Various shots of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery (Monty) addressing crowd of allied troops in a park, a crowd of civilians watch. Monty arrives in a convoy of cars escorted by military policemen. Soldiers are seen running across field to hear Monty. Various good C/Us of Monty making speech into a microphone. Good shots soldiers in crowd listening - some are American and Canadian. Various shots Monty inspecting unit of Home Guardsmen. More shots audience of soldiers - they give three cheers. L/S bagpipers from Scots regiment. C/U Monty talking to Royal Navy officer. M/S Monty posing in front of train with group of servicemen and servicewomen. Various shots Monty disembarking from train. C/U military police motorcyclists saluting. Various shots Monty getting into car, his chauffeur puts rug over his lap. Note: many of the shots are repeated. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH P
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