Североамериканская совка (Megascops asio) - представитель совок весом в среднем от 150 до 250 граммов. В данном видео совка успешно поймала и задавила самца полосатого ястреба (Accipiter striatus, вес самцов в среднем 95-110 граммов) - это некрупный ястребок является аналогом нашего “отечественного“ ястреба-перепелятника.
While perched and stalking birds, a Sharp-shinned Hawk fell prey to an Eastern Screech Owl. The event occurred late afternoon, 3 p.m., in Northwest Lower Michigan and about 45 feet from my back window. I have a feeding station there. The event lasted about 20 minutes. The Sharpie had been perched about 10 feet up in a spruce tree for over 45 minutes, and earlier in the day, mobbing behavior by local birds indicated the possibility there was an owl in the area. I did not witness the initial attack, b
3 months ago 00:00:27 13
Североамериканская совка (лат Megascops asio) — небольшой вид сов из рода Megascops
11 months ago 00:02:02 1
североамериканская совка/Eastern Screech Owl Sounds: Learn their TWO haunting calls! (2022)