Marcus Gad & Tribe ft. A7JK - KANAKE [Official Music Video]

Marcus Gad & Tribe ft A7JK - KANAKE “Chanting“ new album available Apple Music : Google Play : Spotify : Deezer : Amazon : This is my new music video, featuring JY Pawoap, leader of A7JK and Chief of the Pombei Tribe. “Kanaké“ is a musical interpretation of the founding myth of Téâ Kanaké, which tells the story of the origin of all Beings. It was written in honor of the Kanak People of New Caledonia’s culture, and all it carries of Land, Men and Spirits. Like Jean-Marie Tjibaou said in 1975, « We are men with a culture. And this culture must be shown. If it is not shown, some think we do not exist. » We give thanks to the people of the Pombei Tribe for their friendship and firm support from the begining of this human and cultural mission, as well as to the whole of the people of Kanaky-New-Caledonia. Voi
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