Уліс (ULIS) “the lost tape“ live in Minsk, Belarus
#Уліс #Minsk #Belarus #vondereseslhüttezurwiedervereinigung #krajnaukratach #freedom #liberty #ULIS #live #1989 #CCCP #UdSSR
The lost tape with one of the very first recordings of Уліс was stored the last 17 years in my basement. Before that it moved with me two times in Köln (Cologne) and before that in Berlin.
I got it from Kirill Schewando (first drummer in the band-history) in 1989 in front of the Hotel Yunost close to Minsk after their open-air concert for us members of the International Youth-Congress for Ecology at the end of July or the beginning of August.
Some famous songs of ULIS are part of this tape.
The playlist:
1: 01:10 Цягнik на Нясвiж (Train to Neswiz) - Zug nach Neswich
2: 05:26 Акторка (Actress) - Schauspielerin
3: 10:28 Чужанiца (Unfamilar) - Unbekannt
4: 13:42 Краiна у кратах (Country behind bars) - Land hinter Gittern
5: 17:52 Пакуль Спяваю (While I’m singing) - Während ich singe
I remembered the existence of this “lost
2 years ago 00:16:33 1
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3 years ago 00:16:23 1
Уліс на Басовішчы 1990 | Улис на Басовішчы 1990
4 years ago 00:22:00 30
Уліс (ULIS) “the lost tape“ live in Minsk, Belarus