GALIRYON - Glory to Arstotzka!

Título/Title: Glory to Arstotzka! Intérprete/Band: Galiryon. Letra/Lyrics: Six years of war preceded us, the war between comrades and friends. It destroyed our way of life and now we all have to pay! Families living in a 8-class apartment, working for his farm, factories and army. Raise your hands to our glory nation and shout Glory to Arstotzka! GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA SUCH IS LIFE IN ARSTOTZKA! Come to the checkpoint if you want to get in. Neither terrorists nor spies are allowed to pass. Give us your passport for the validation, your visa will be accepted or denied. If you come from Republia, if you come from Antegria. Maybe you can come in but watch out if you are a Kolechian! GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA SUCH IS LIFE IN ARSTOTZKA! Intro By: Andrés Armesto
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