Cream de la Cream Klon Centaur (In English)

In this episode of the Creme de la Creme series we will compare variations of the Klon Centaur circuit from different manufacturers The original Klon Centaur is one of the most sought-after overdrive pedals of recent years. It was designed and first introduced by Bill Finnegan in 1994, and today it is considered one of the first boutique transparent overdrives in history. Content: 00:00 - Greetings and intro video 00:26 - Introduction 02:07 - Signal chain description 03:02 - Low Gain sound examples 05:30 - Key features of the circuit 06:22 - High Gain sound examples 11:24 - Gain Stacking 13:51 - Conclusion Links to GSG on other platforms: Discord - RuTube - VKontakte - Boosty - Sponsr -
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