Children 404 (2014) Дети Россия, by Pavel Loparev and Askold Kurov

🎬🌈 FILME « CHILDREN 404 » (Dety 404 / 2014). 🗣Dirigido por Askold Kurov e Pavel Loparev: 🌈 ⚠ 💔 Sobre a LEI que proíbe ’propaganda de relações sexuais não tradicionais para menores’ atinge milhões de JOVENS GAYS / LÉSBICAS na Rússia.... Дети 404 (Россия,2014). 🎞❗ Putin’s new law that FORBIDS ’propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations to minors’ hits millions of GAY / LESBIAN YOUNGSTERS in RUSSIA. Parents and friends of gay kids now are obliged to tell them they are sick, sinful and abnormal. These teens have no forum, find no help in Russia, you won’t even find them on the internet: Error 404. For the first time, the bravest of them turn to the camera in the new film of ’Winter Go Away’
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