Capt. Randy Cramer: The Secret Space Program And Mars Defense Force

Join us LIVE! 10/5/22 8pmET/5pmPT Captain Randy Cramer joins us to discuss his incredible experiences within the SSP and MDF; with the mission to raise awareness and expand knowledge about such efforts made between countries in regards to colonizing immediate celestial bodies within our solar system. In addition, Randy’s development of his psionic methods facilitate healing within ourselves at the highest levels. Randy’s University Of Consious Evolution: Capt. Randy Cramer, . Capt. Randy Cramer served over 30 years in the United States Marine Corp special section, a covert military space operation where he learned military grade psionics from which he has developed his meditation course for civilians. Randy’s extensive bio on Gaia: Email DarkHour Paranormal- DarkHourParanormalLive@ Donate to DHP: Tina Mobley Jewelry:
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