Goldfish Wen Trimming Surgery - How I Trim An Overgrown Ranchu Wen.

A few things to realize about this procedure: This is not a problem a majority of ranchus will have, and for the most part, ranchus will not need to have this done. This can be dangerous and difficult, someone new to fish keeping should NOT try to do this. This does not hurt the fish that badly, as there are less nerve endings in the wen, but it still does hurt to a small degree, using clove oil does help to lessen the pain and stress of the procedure. *I am not a vet, this video is NOT veterinary advice, please seek professional help if you have a fish with this condition* To buy goldfish, goldfish food, or any necessary products, check out my website! Also don’t forget to follow me on my other social media platforms, also linked on my website!
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