- Niconico Video sm40241730

“Please listen to see Darling ♡? ? ? ? It has been dancing in a strong wind! (It rained immediately after this) Samne’s hair is disturbed but it’s not a hair set but a storm ← Music main family: sm26099756 Specifications Source: sm26260361 Chicken main house: sm26433872 Edit and help: Takeonou ------------------------------------------------------— —------------- Person who danced: Ayan It is too messy ← ← Haru-chan danced the solo song danced at the event! Please give me to your side ~ ♪ ♪ laughs Thank you for always supporting! ! I love you from now on (* ˘ ˘ ˘ *) ❥❥ I usually work in the group ⸜⸜⸝⸝ Chiwawa: mylist / 64372565 Chiwawa Twitter: Hide Video Description Irony Video uploads Upload date 03/31/2022 14:00 Views 549“
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