Rottweiler attacks a small dog!!!

Rottweiler attack #rottweiler our video today is about a Rottweiler attacking a pug dog in China to protect its friend poodles. We can’t emphasise enough that in 90% cases of dog attacks the problem is with the owner and not the dog. If you are the person in charge of a dog, then you are responsible for controlling the dog’s behaviour in public. A dog is considered ‘under control’ if it is on a lead held by someone able to control the dog. A large dog would not be under control if its lead was held by a child or a weak owner who would be unable to restrain the dog if it strained against the lead. In this clip the Rottweiler wasn’t on a leash and its owner was solely responsible for this attack. This particular attack was due to protective aggression of Rottweiler. More common aggression in dogs that were used for guarding or to protect an area or other animals is protective aggression. Otherwise, another guy with two of his dogs went past the same Rottweiler and it didn’t attack them straight aw
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