Welcome to Arktaker
I have been always wanted to do this video ever since Helltaker was released, well here you go. A significant amount of effort is put into this, my best dance video yet with Chibis, a parody chibi dance video on Helltaker
The video is heavily inspired by 丧气的Ray大大’s video with consent, and the DDJ’s Sprite was also provided by him
Two of the Dorm Backgrounds used were provided by 25thNight, big thanks for this night!
Cheers to Malevolence for the background suggestion, Imine for operators list, Whimsy and my fellow discord community for the feedback :)
Commonly Asked
... Question
Q: Why are there only White Hair Waifus?
A: Play Helltaker and you’ll know, it’s free
If this video is well received I will do a version with all Male Operators, and a version with all Female ops, though that depends if the community wants it.
A lot of work is needed, and for each character copy and pasteShow more