
有多少人是从两年前的那期吹肝认识我的呢?今年我们又做吹肝了 今年的年猪急急忙忙的就宰了,一家人忙到了晚上,不过该做的过年菜都做了,腌制了火腿,排骨,装了香肠,吹肝,还特意做了卷蹄。在我们所有的过年菜里,卷蹄是工艺最复杂的了,需要完整的剥下猪蹄的皮,塞上猪瘦肉,不能有一点空隙,再认真缝合上,稻草绑紧后煮熟腌制数月,口感特别Q弹,也有淡淡酸鲊肉的味道~ ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. How many of you have known me since the cured “blown“ pig liver episode two years ago? We made that dish again this year. This year, we butchered the annual pig in a hurry. My family and I worked till late night and managed to prepare all dishes for the lunar new
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