O:JA&L’s Farida Olass reads “Sixth Floor, Alley Window,“ a poem by Michael Brosnan.
O:JA&L’s Farida Olass reads “Sixth Floor, Alley Window,“ a poem by Michael Brosnan.
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Music track: Les-ly by the MiniVandals, via the YouTube Royalty-Free Audio Library.
About the writer:
Michael Brosnan is the author of two collections of poetry: The Sovereignty of the Accidental (Harbor Mountain Press, 2018) and ADRIFT (Grayson Books, 2023). His poems have appeared in numerous journals, including Rattle, Confrontation, New Letters, Prairie Schooner, Poetry South, and Barrow Street. He is also the author of Against the Current, a book on urban education, and serves as senior editor for the website Teaching While White.
About the reader:
Farida Olass has published a novella of fiction entitled Imprint. Olass has also been shortlisted as a semifinalist in the International Songwriting Competition, 2017.
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