Salna - Nāvē

Salna - Nāvē (in death) 00:00 1. Nāves ēna (The shadow of death) 05:18 2. Mēris nāk (The plague is coming) 09:40 3. Sūrais liktenis (acrid fate) 16:28 4. Bads un posts (Hunger and misery) 21:29 5. Ķēniņš aizmirstībā krīt (The king falls into oblivion) 26:47 6. Zeme asins jūrā slīkst (The earth drowns in the sea of blood) 32:05 7. Aizsaulē iet leģions (Legion is going into afterlife) 39:40 8. Mana gala stunda sit (My final hour beats) 44:32 9. Atvadoties aizejot (Farewell leaving) All songs separately: Death - As an integral part of life. Whether we like it or not, it awaits us all. All Lyrics were written with Medieval motifs and that time gloomy atmosphere. Illness, hunger, injuries, accidents, or losing life in battle. Even then, someone can survive till old age and still go out in death with a smile on their face, remembering the old good days. and so on and so on. Prepare for death... released: [Digital] Bandcamp: ​ Spotify: ​ Instagram: ​ Facebook: ​ All music composed and arranged by Lūsis = Salna Visual art by Lūsis © all rights reserved
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