FRISBEAR - Sunshine Frisbee. Freestyle Session # 8

Summer is back in Vietnam and it’s getting really hot. Today the temperature was about 40 C° and humidity. After 30 minutes of training, I was completely wet. But this did not spoil my mood and the buzz from freestyle in any way. Subscribe to my channel and spread the jam for the World Peace! Instagram: VK: YouTube: @frisbear TikTok: @ ___ #frisbee #frisbeedisc #frisbeetime #frisbear #disclove #flowtoy #frisbeefun #frisbeeing #mydisc #freestylefrisbee #frisbeelife #ultimatefrisbee #frisbeevn #vietnam #hanoi #discraft #newcircus #skilltoys #disctwirls #xdisc Музыка: Sunshine & Blue Skies Музыкант: Philip E Morris
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