【講道館 YouTube公式チャンネル/ KODOKAN Official YouTube Channel】
技の相違点 / Description on differences between closely resembled Waza
浮落 & 隅落 / Uki-otoshi & Sumi-otoshi
<浮落(うきおとし) / Uki-otoshi>
相手を前方に崩し、右前隅に引き落として投げる技 /
A technique to throw down the opponent by breaking his balance forward and pulling him down toward the frontal-right corner.
<隅落(すみおとし) / Sumi-otoshi>
左足を相手の右足外側に踏み込んで右後隅に崩し、押し落として投げる技 / A technique to push and throw down the opponent by breaking his balance toward the retral-right corner while stepping onto the outside of his right foot with the left.
#講道館 #柔道 #技
#Kodokan #Judo #Waza