ReaSamploMatic5000 Multi-velocity layers and Round Robin

In this tutorial we’re exploring two lesser-known functions of REAPER’s ReaSamploMatic 5000 sampler: Round Robin and how to trigger different samples for different velocity ranges. Multi-Velocity: - insert reasamplomatic, drag in the lowest volume/velocity sample - set minimum volume to -12 (so there is volume adjustments based on incoming velocity) - set velocity max to 20 - copy and paste the fx. (second instance of rs5k) - advance sample to next velocity - set min volume to -3 (you need to adjust so that low range for this sample is smooth transition to previous sample - set velocity max to 40 (depends on how many different samples you have) - set min velocity to 21 - repeat process for remaining samples. with min and max velocities set to different range. Round Robin if you have two (or more) samples for same velocity range you can use the probability and round-robin option sample 1 gets 50% probability, round robin on, and remove played notes from fx
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