【DEBUT STREAM】Vesper Noir, at your service #Vesper_Debut #holoTEMPUS

If you graced me with a subscription to my activities, I would be quite delighted. The notification is rather useful for not missing our exchanges of knowledge. So might one click it? There are only two choices “to press like”, and the wrong choice. Noir Vesper ノワール・ヴェスパー | HOLOSTARS English-TEMPUS- Welcome! Call me Vesper or Noir, whichever you prefer. How do you like your tea? Twitter: 🎉TEMPUS First All-Member Collab🎉 Hosted on Dezmond’s channel! 23 July, 2022 (Sat) 8PM PST 🔽TEMPUS Guild Members🔽 Regis Altare Debut Stream: 22 July, 2022 (Fri) 6PM PST -------- Magni Dezmond Debut Stream: 22 July, 2022 (Fri) 7PM PST -------- Axel Syrios Debut Stream: 23 July,
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