Fortieth Anniversary Of Soviet Army And Navy (1958)

Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union (USSR, Russian Federation). Russian title ’Famous Date’. Various shots of meeting held at the Moscow Palace of Sports. Two close up shots of leaders of the Communist Party and Government. Marshal Malinovsky, Head of the Soviet Armed Forces, Nikita Khruschev Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and Nikolai Bulganin, Prime Minister of USSR are all there. Various close up shots of high ranking Naval and Army Officers in the audience. LS. & CU. Marshal Malinovsky speaking. Two general views of the audience applauding. CU. Khruschev speaking. LS. Delegates. Various shots of school children walking up gangway of the Palace of Sports. GV. School children congratulating soldiers, sailors and of them presenting flowers. GV. Grave of the Unknown Warrior at the Malakhov Kurhan Hill. High angle panning shot of crowds, some with flags. CU. Eternal flame being lit at the grave of the Unknown Warrior. CU. Eternal flame. Two close up shots of armed Russian soldiers. CU. Eternal flame.
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