...It’s a very complicated thing, left side, is much more complicated than right side. On the left side we have also seven nadis, and these seven nadis are placed one after another. They are described in books and given different names to them.
Now these seven nadis that are on the left side, as you know, they cater to our past. Say, for example, every moment becomes a past. Every present becomes a past. Then we have past of this lifetime, and also we have past of our previous lives. Then all the past is built in within us since our creation.
So all the psychosomatic diseases, as you know, are only triggered by the entities that appear from the left side. For a person, supposing he is suffering, say, from liver trouble and suddenly he’s attacked from the left side, specially Mooladhara, or any left side, left Nabhi, because Mooladhara is the only one that is connected with the left side, Ida nadi, and the right side Pingala nadi is connected with Swadisthana...
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7 months ago 02:48:50 1
Песни на стихи поэта Льва Ошанина. Эстрада 60-80-х
8 months ago 02:03:59 1
Прогноз по СВО, по городам, странам. Будут ли изменения с приходом Трампа к власти?
10 months ago 02:04:20 1
Прогноз по СВO. Много ли тёмнoй энергии над Рoссией? Чего ждать? Упрaвление погодой. Магнитные бури