Sick Pine Siskins - Bird Salmonella

Avian Salmonella. A few sick Pine Siskins show up at the bird feeders in spring, it is most likely Salmonella and time to take action to prevent spreading the disease! Narration in the video is adapted from these excellent sources of information on songbird salmonella, especially regarding Pine Siskins linked below. If You’re Seeing Sick or Dying Pine Siskins Fact Sheet: Coping with Diseases at Bird Feeders The Precautions against Disease People who feed birds cannot ignore the disease issue. Eight relatively easy steps can be taken to prevent or minimize disease problems at feeders. 1. Give them space - Avoid crowding by providing ample feeder space. Lots of birds using a single feeder looks wonderful, but crowding is a key factor in spreading disease. If birds have to jostle each other to reach the food, t
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