53000 Solar Panels at SEAT Martorell factory

- Subscribe For More Cool Videos: The summer solstice on June 21 provides Europe with 903 minutes of sunlight and SEAT’s Martorell factory is making the most of every second. With Spain and southern Europe enjoying between 2,500 and 3,000 sunlight hours a year it’s the perfect place for one of the automotive industry’s largest solar power sites. The SEAT al Sol project is celebrating five years in operation by revealing the incredible statistics behind the photovoltaic plant: - A photovoltaic plant measuring 276,000 square metres: With an extension equivalent to 40 football fields, the company installed a total of six photovoltaic plants in 2013 with more than 53,000 solar panels. Located on the roofs of the workshops and the temporary finished vehicle holding area, this facility has generated more than 112 million kWh since it was put into operation. - Enough energy to charge 3,000 mobile phones every day for a whole year: More
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