Dog play💥Cобачьи игры или приколы💥овчарка без костей

🔶In this video – funny dogs playing and so I smiled!))) So try not to laugh when you see how our dog as if without bones performs gymnastic sketches! We see every day relationships of livestock guarding dog and always trying to make a video of playings of livestock guarding dog. In any case, look at how our cute dogs playing around and how they relationships of farm dogs look like. We really hope that you will enjoy our dog play & our funny dogs and will love our dog with us! 🔶The main characters are the descendants of the Sagi Dahmarda, Sagi Chuponi, Sagi Tochiki - Chokar & her daughter Juja. 🔶Our channel is dedicated to the Native dogs - the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, namely the Sagi Dahmarda. They were exported dogs from the flocks of Tajikistan, where to this day, after many millennia, these dogs exist in a primitive atmosphere and survive in the most difficult conditions, while benefiting the shepherds. These dogs are primarily a dogs for protect
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