Fanart credits are down below
This is pretty old. I made it before that Elux AMV that I made but I decided not to upload it because of the drawings with Fumus and Chlomaki and was worried someone might get upset or something. But I’ve put up a warning now so that should be good.
Chlomaki will always be one of my all time favorite characters. Not only is her design really cool but her backstory and psychology and everything. And Chlocodile. Chlocodile is a very good ship.
I thought that this song fit her very well. It describes her trying to forget about her past and her trauma’s, but struggling to do so. I’d recommend listening to the full song if you haven’t because the rest of it is also perfect for Chlomaki.
I haven’t been uploading because I’ve been working hard on my studies and the film club. And I’m tired. And I currently don’t really have any inspiration/motivation for my AMVs. Hopefully t