Jeff Reinhart’s Failure Tape

Saw III Copyright of Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures. “Hello, Jeff. I made this tape as an insurance policy, if you will. And, if you are listening to it, then it’s time to collect. I was your final test, Jeff. Your final test of forgiveness. And if you are listening to this, then you’ve failed. Now you must pay the price. The price of holding on to all that anger, the price of driving your own wife away from you, the price of living for nothing but vengeance. Now I will give you something to live for. I told you, that you couldn’t kill me, Jeff. But I didn’t tell you why. The answer is simple. I am the person responsible for the loss of your child. I am the only person who knows where your daughter is. She only has a limited supply of air and if you want to get her back, you’ll have to play a game.“
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