Road worker wins online praise for painting road signs accurately 行走的“印刷机”!小伙徒手画出印刷体交通标识

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get day-to-day video coverage of what’s going on in China and beyond! 路面整齐的交通标识是怎么画出来的?依照现成的模板,还是有专业的机器?一位小伙一手端着还在冒热气的涂料,另一手直接拿着刷子手绘出“印刷体”的路面标识。 How are road signs painted using thermoplastic? A Chinese road worker won online praise for using a marking tool to draw lines precisely on the ground. Many netizens said that he drew as accurately as machines.   Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram:
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