Compound droplet impact

Impact of a compound oil-ink droplet (alizarine ink core and oil shell) into deep water under normal conditions. In the video we can observe thin structures - ligaments - developing from the contact area. The main reason of the formation of these structures is very fast conversion of available potential surface energy into the kinetic and other forms of energy (see the equation for incrementing Gibbs free energy in terms of the algebraic sum of increments of other forms of energy). Next we can see the growth of cumulative jet, which is further broken into a couple of droplets Video recording was carried out using Optronis CR3000x2 with a frequency of 3000 fps . Angle of observing - 75 deg. Diameter of the droplet - 5mm; Height - 44 cm. Exposure - 1e-5. Some papers: DOI: DOI: DOI: DOI: About laboratoty and institute:
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