にんじゃり ばんばん きゃり-NINJA RE BANG BANG ensemble de SHAMISEN 三味線
KYARY PAMYU PAMYU played on Japanese Shamisen. ninjari ban ban or NINJA RE BANG BANG by players from SWEDEN, AMERICA, CANADA and JAPAN. The Shamisen 三味線 is a popular instrument around the world. People everywhere are playing the Shamisen like crazy! Especially in America where it has become known in almost every household thanks to the Bachido website and the efforts of American Shamisen masters such as Kyle Abbott, Mike Penny, Grant Reimer and Kevin Kmetz. It is interesting to think that this instrument is
5 months ago 00:22:35 1
五百羅漢公園 散策 石彫刻 念佛宗総本山 佛教之王堂 仏教美術 兵庫県加東市 The Five Hundred Arahats Park The Buddhist Art of Nenbutsushu
5 months ago 00:03:47 1
Ambiguous / Hellzapoppin’ (Music by Tare) 【Electroswing】