Papal Bloodlines EXPOSED

You’ve heard of the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati, now get ready for the 13 Papal bloodlines. So, what of these 13 Papal bloodlines? They are the ones who rule the world, plain and simple. What about the Jesuits and Illuminati? 😁Well, you see the Jesuits, Illuminati, Knights of Malta, Freemasons, the Royal families of Europe, blah blah blah, are in the pocket of the 13 Papal bloodlines since the Crusades, but I digress. You see how those fake truthers fooled the masses into believing the elitists are reptilian aliens from outer space? Anyways, the point of this video is to disprove ...the ’Babylonian Brotherhood’ conspiracy theory that was made famous by David Icke, a Freemason and Groucho Club member, and put this fake truther in his place (i.e. in the dust bins of history). So yeah, this video has opened a whole new can of worms.
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