Neighsayer & Feather - Beyond & Below (Full Album)

An album by Feather and I, with some guest appearances by RisenFromTheDust. Originally released March 2, 2013. Download: 01. Flight I: Princess of the Day - 00:00 02. Grounded - 06:05 03. Flight II: Princesses of the Sky - 11:18 04. Fears (w/ RisenFromTheDust) - 18:58 05. Flight III: Little Voices - 23:32 06. Flight IV: Princess of the Night - 30:06 07. Flight V: Afterword - 36:33 08. Hope - 43:36 09. Against All Odds - 50:10 10. Sweet Dreams (by RisenFromTheDust) - 55:22 Looking back at this album, I did a really terrible job mixing the vocals. If I still had the files I’d probably make a remastered version, but unfortunately I kept everything on a hard drive that is now super broken!!! I’ve learned my lesson and now back up all my shit!!! Having said that, I’m still proud of this album. It’s basically a full hour of Feather, too, so who can really complain?
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