Yamaha XJ600 Diversion / Seca 2 - Clutch Rattle / Engine noise fix.

If you would like to help, see how by clicking the read more link at the bottom of this text. The Yamaha XJ600 Diversions / Seca 2 can suffer an annoying rattle, one of the causes of this rattle, is well documented on the forum along with a recommended fix. You commonly hear that the noise is caused by clutch rattle but that’s not entirely accurate. There are four causes of that noise heard at idle and oil pump drive gear noise is at the bottom: Carb synchronization - this has to be spot on or it makes noise as the pistons/crankshaft have force applied differently. Carburetor pilot screws mis-adjusted - this causes each cylinder to fire differently and results in noise at idle, similarly to carb synchronization. Gearbox wear - as the shift forks and the gear teeth wear, the tolerances increase. This allows the shift forks, synchronizers and gears to move around as the engine idles (albeit a small bit) resulting in noise. Oil pump drive gear - you already went after that. Start with a very thorou
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