Akeldama - Into The Forsaken Entity (Full Album)

Country: Philippines Genre: Brutal Death Metal Release date: June 30th, 2021 Label: Earsturbation Records 01. 00:00. Hymns of the Forsaken (Intro) 02. 01:08. Tower of Babel 03. 04:21. The Consequence of Worship 04. 07:05. Sacred Annihilation 05. 09:19. Oh Fallen, Oh Sons, Forsaken 06. 11:48. Into the Forsaken Entity 07. 16:02. Force to Worship 08. 20:11. Betrayal of Creation 09. 22:24. Along with Molech 10. 25:17. Depravity from the Betrayaled Ones 11. 27:56. The Consequence of Worship Darkened Brutal Death Metal from the Philippines! Traditional, Mature, Raw & Dark Brutal Death Metal. Voices that emanate a powerful darkness with Growls and Gutturals in order to reveal Anti-Christian lyrics and hate for the system that runs the World. Technical Guitars, with Fierce Aggressiveness and at the same time ruthless with an exceptional Drums. Excellent participation of the Heartbreaking and Raw Voice of the Italian and Great Paolo
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