Austrian Delegation In Moscow (1958)

Unused / unissued material - Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union, USSR. LS Airport building, Moscow. Various shots of personalities waiting at airport. MS Crowd. LS Plane taxiing in. Walking shot of Nikita Khrushchev, Anastas Mikoyan and others. Various shots of Dr Julius Raab, alighting from plane and being greeted by Khrushchev and Mikoyan. MS Bouquet being handed to Dr Raab. MS Dr. Raab, Khrushchev and Mikoyan. LS Dr. Raab with Khrushchev inspecting Guard of Honour. LS Crowd in front of airport building. MS Dr. Raab shaking hands with various personalities. MS Dr. Raab and Khrushchev walking through crowd. CU Crowd applauding. MS Khruschev speaking. SV Dr. Raab speaking. Two shots of airport building. MS CU Khrushchev shaking hands with Dr. Raab inside Kremlin. MS Khrushchev shaking hands with Dr. Raab inside Kremlin. MS Khrushchev, Dr. Raab pan along delegates. MS Dr. Raab sitting down. CU Khruschev seated at conference table. CU Dr. Raab. MS Khrushchev smiling and other delegates seated at table. CU Dr.
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