HEAL MOTHER WOUND 》Inner Child Healing | Angelic Frequency & Cosmic Mother Light Language Activation

Welcome to our Inner Child Healing Angelic Frequency & Cosmic Mother Sound Healing Activation Light Language Activation. This Frequency combines the pure Angelic Frequencies with the Divine Feminine Mother Goddess Realms and is also infused with healing, relaxing ocean sounds and the crystalline, healing energies of the dolphins. These incredibly healing beings of light open our inner child’s heart & bring deep release & peace into our tired heart, help us break the walls around our hearts, so that we can receive love again. Allow this Frequency to support you on the path of deep childhood trauma release, anxiety relief, releasing layers of trauma, grief, pain, shame, fear & guilt. Maybe you have experienced emotional neglect & suffer from abondenment trauma. Maybe you suffer from childhood ptsd & cptsd/complex ptsd. Maybe you even have experienced emotional abuse from a narcissistic Mother or parent that did not provide any kind of emotional safety & support that you
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