Animate Anything in Photoshop - Turn Photo into Slow Motion Videos Tutorial

Welcome, everyone! In this photoshop tutorial, I’ll guide you through creating mesmerizing animations in Photoshop. Transform still images into captivating slow-motion videos. Let’s dive into the steps: Choose a picture with a waterfall and use Quick Mask mode to select it. Turn off Quick Mask, invert the selection, and copy the waterfall (Ctrl/Command J). Erase unwanted parts around the waterfall to isolate it. Convert the copied waterfall layer to a Smart Object for animation. Open the Timeline, create a Video Timeline, and edit the Smart Object layer. Adjust the timeline duration (e.g., seconds). Create keyframes to make the waterfall move using Free Transform. Use transitions for smooth looping (e.g., seconds fade). Group the animated layers for organization. Duplicate and arrange the groups for seamless looping. Next, introduce mist animation: Select misty area, copy it (Ctrl/Command J), and name it ’mist.’ Convert the mist
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