Johnnie Capri - Don’t Say Goodbye (Master Sound 1960)

Johnnie Capri - Don’t Say Goodbye Master Sound A-13 (507) Philadelphia - 1960 Written by C. Daino ---------------------------- Johnnie Capri is a South Philadelphia artist who released 2 records. The first was under the name of John Capri with backing by the Four J’s on the Bomarc label in 1959. Those sides were “When I’m Lonely“ b/w “Love For Me.“ This is his second release from 1960 on Master Sound. This release was announced in the Philadelphia Daily News on November 25, 1960. The backing group on this record is unknown. ---------------------------- - The South Philly Record - Forgotten records from the Philadelphia area archived from the lifelong and ever-growing collection of disc jockey, Jimmy DePre. - Follow us on Instagram @thesouthphillyrecord -
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