LOUDNESS WARNING - the song “SEASIDE VOICE GUITAR“ is mastered very loud on purpose.
FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING - anyone prone to epileptic seizures should probably not view this video.
CONTENT WARNING - a lot of blood, guts, weapons such as guns/knives, drug use.
made from clips of 5 groundbreaking and/or controversial Japanese films.
all clips used without permission.
“SEASIDE VOICE GUITAR“ used without permission.
“SEASIDE VOICE GUITAR“ is available on the album “I AM NOT SHINZO ABE“:
Layer 5: Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets! (書を捨てよ町へ出よう) - 1971 - dir. Shuji Terayama
Layer 4: Ultimate Versus - 2004 - dir. Ryuhei Kitamura
Layer 3: Jigoku (地獄) - 1960 - dir. Nobuo Nakagawa
Layer 2: House - 1977 - dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi
Layer 1: Funeral Parade of Roses (薔薇