Eoin Backsquats 250kg!!! - Training in Crossfit Mallow
Power Glove - Maximum Potential
Jason Genova - Legs On The Bottom (by YouGottaBeAFreak)
Full training session:
Ian Darragh: 135kg Clean and Jerk for singles, 140kg jerk, 120kg bench press for reps.
David Nolan: 100kg hang snatches, 190kg squat for 6 reps, 120kg Pause Bench Press x2
Eoin Murphy: 135kg Snatch, 250kg squat, 160kg jerk
Clarence Kennedy: 180kg power clean (?) - Clean, 220kg pause squat 1x8, 2x6. 200kg 2x5 stiff leg deadlifts.
Messed up the subtitle at the end, and ’muphy’ ahhh too
9 years ago 00:04:04 125
Eoin Backsquats 250kg!!! - Training in Crossfit Mallow