Arunachala Pancharatnam

Arunachala Pancharatnam composed by Ramana Maharishi by the request of a fellow devotee Aiyasami Pillai and Kavyakantha Ganapathi Muni. Lyrics and Meaning: karuṇā-pūrṇa-sudhābdhe kabalita-ghana-viśvwarūpa kiraṇāvalyā. aruṇāchala paramātmann-aruṇo bhava citta-kañja-suvikāsāya. (1) 1. Ocean of nectar, full of grace, engulfing the universe in Thy splendour ! Oh Arunachala, the supreme itself ! Be Thou the sun and open the lotus of my heart in Bliss ! tvayyaruṇācala sarvaṁ bhūtvā sthitvā pralī-na-me-taccitram, hṛdyaham-ityātma-tayā nṛtyasi bhoste vadanti hṛdayaṁ nāma (2) 2. Oh Arunachala! In Thee the picture of the universe is formed, has its stay, and is dissolved; this is the sublime truth. Thou art the inner Self, who dancest in the Heart as ’I’. ’Heart’ is Thy name, Oh Lord&
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