Angled Surface Juggling

Here’s a fun video of me throwing 4 to 9 balls on a door at a ~35 degree angle, which makes some patterns much easier. When the beanbags land on the slope, they stall for a moment and descend slower than they would with normal toss juggling. The “high“ throws don’t require much energy, patterns become slower, catching becomes easier, and timing for complex patterns doesn’t need to be as precise as in normal toss juggling. Collisions can be a bit of a problem still though, especially with 6 balls. Music by The Meters TRICK LIST!! take 1 (6,4x)(4x,2)* (8,4x)(4x,2)(4x,2x)* 9151 b...17131 534 mess 633 mess 7531 mess (maybe?) take 2 645 84445 8444744 7562663 88441 753 97531 (6,4x)(6,4)* (8,4x)(4,4)(4x,6x)* take 3 678912345 take 4 b97531 take 5 (8x,6)* take 6 8 fountain for 32 catches take 7 9 cascade for 18 catches
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