Su-34 Narrowly Survives Encounter with Patriot Missile | Real Life Audio

This is an encounter of a Russian Su-34 bomber (Callsign “754“) and multiple launches from a Patriot SAM (Surface to Air Missile) battery over Ukraine, close to Mariupol. The Su-34 was making it’s attack run when it got engaged by a Ukrainian Patriot system. The Su-34 then proceeded to evade the threat by dragging and notching the missile in different directions to deplete it’s energy, however the Patriot missile exploded somewhere close to the Su-34 and knocked out it’s intercom - the Pilot Commander and Navigator struggled to hear each other for the remainder of the sortie. The original version of this audio recording was uploaded by a Russian Su-34 pilot. It shows audio coms between an Su-34 bomber crew and a controller when the Su-34 is engaged by a Patriot SAM battery whilst the aircraft is making it’s attack run. NOTE: This is merely a translation of factual events. This video is not meant to have any political angle. The translation is for non-Russian speakers to gain an insight into this very unique air combat engagement. To Make The Recording Easier To Understand: Lines at the top left = aircraft commander/ pilot (Andrei/ Andruha) Lines at the top right = navigator (Viktor/ Vityok/ Vitya) Lines in the middle & bottom = controller/s Su-34 callsign “754“ Anything in RED are my own comments and additions to make it easier to understand any terms or the context.
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