Let’s play some troll music today ! Doesn’t sound very trollish actually but the name of this tune is ’Trollpolska efter Hans Börtas’. It’s a quite easy tune but still interesting harmonically. I personally classify it into the “triplet-polska“ category despite the fact that it has no actual triplets in the melody - it’s about underdivision !
Difficulty level 3 because there’s some climbing on nyckelharpa, also a few harmony changes that demand some extra attention.
If you’re lost about what tripletpolskas are, check my previous video on the topic :
Credits music in the intro : CD ’Norsk fo
...lkemusikk på radio - Dei fyrste åra på radio’, track 10, tune ’Vill du vara venn min’
I provide sheet music (with bowings and details) for all the tunes I teach on my Patreon :
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