Doggy (1930)

Note: The location of the the events in this item is unknown. Full titles read: “DOGGY - Introducing a dog that accompanies its Master’s Band - ’just for the love of Mike.’“ M/S’s of man conducting the small band. The dog sits on a chair next to the conductor and when prompted barks twice. Intertitle reads: “And here’s a more clever one still -“ M/S of girl dancing to piano music wearing a ballet dress. She then encourages her small dog (looks like a Jack Russell) to do the same. The dog stands up on it’s hind legs and performs a pirouette (the dog is also wearing a mini ballet dress !). Intertitle reads: “He can even play the piano and sing doggily - with a little encouragement.“ M/S of the dog dressed as a pianist. The girls holds a dog treat just out of its reach and tells the dog to “sing“ and play the piano. The dog reaches forward with its two front paws on the piano and makes whining sounds (The footage is either funny or disturbing depending on your point of view). FILM ID:
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