Seven Ages (1932)

“Is the glory of woman her hair - or, like Adam’s beard, is it largely a myth? Possibly in Grecian times there was a good deal of glory visible.“ Woman in Grecian style costume walks onto the set of a country house patio. She walks down some steps. C/U of the woman who holds a lyre - she turns her head to display her Grecian style hairdo. Two women then proceed down the steps. One wears an Elizabethan style costume, the other is in Mediaeval dress. “And even in Mediaeval and Elizabethan times Eve’s hair was there, though a bit submerged“ C/U of Mediaeval woman who wears a wimple style hat and has her hair in plaits. C/U of the Elizabethan woman showing her headdress. A Stuart style outfit is displayed next. “Then came the graceful Stuart period - a lot of hair was needed to support those hats“ C/U of woman turning to show her hat and hair. “What Pompadour did for Eve’s crowning glory speaks for itself“ - L/S and C/U of woman in Marie Antoinette style costume with enormous powdered wig. “
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