Lord Beaverbrook (Minister of Supply) speaks in Glasgow (1941)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Max Aitken (1st Baron Beaverbrook), the Minister of Aircraft Production, gives a speech to shop stewards in Glasgow in 1941 Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Lord Beaverbrook on Clydeside SCOTLAND: Glasgow: INT BEAVERBROOK Lord. Speaks at . Meeting, questions..“Demands huge production of tanks“ Scotland; Personalities - Journalists politician, politicians, tycoon, tycoons, business, World War II, World War Two, WWII, war, Allies, Second World War, speech, speeches Background: Max Aitken (1st Baron Beaverbrook), the Minister of Aircraft Production, gives a speech to shop stewards in Glasgow in 1941 FILM ID: VLVADFPM15CNTQ036I222S3XX9UTQ To license this film, visit
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