Elliott Carter - String Quartet No. 2

Ellio​tt Ca​rter (1908 - 2012) - Strin​g Qua​rtet No. 2 (1958 - 1959) Introduction [0:00] I. Allegro fantastico [1:16] Cadenza for viola [4:18] II. Presto scherzando [5:51] Cadenza for cello [8:11] III. Andante espressivo [10:30] Cadenza for violin I [15:03] IV. Allegro [16:57] Conclusion [22:03] Juillia​rd Stri​ng Qu​artet (1991) Ellio​tt Ca​rter’s second string quartet was commissioned by the Stanley Str​ing Qua​rtet, who decided not to perform the work upon seeing the score. Instead, the piece was premiered by the Jui​lliard St​ring Qu​artet in 1960. The work was well-received and was awarded three major prizes, including the Pulitzer Prize. A typical performance of the work lasts around 22 minutes. From Ell​iott C​arter’s own comments on the piece: “My Sec​ond S​tring Quart​et, commissioned by the Stanley St​ring Q​
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