240316-Rub from Taichong to Xingjian.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 240316-Rub from Taichong to Xingjian. 1. Big temper, irritable, poor sleep, try it. 2. High blood pressure. 3. Dry mouth, bitter mouth, poor digestion, try it. 5 minutes in the morning and evening. When we are angry, the liver will push the qi and blood upward, so the eyes and face will be red, the head will be swollen, and the hair will even stand up. If a person is often angry, the rising qi and blood will not go down, and the head will lack fresh blood circulation, which can cause high blood pressure, hair loss, vision loss and other problems. In addition, people who are often angry have more garbage and less fresh blood in their livers, and their liver function will be abnormal. And it can harm the spleen and stomach, causing a series of digestive problems, such as acid reflux, bile reflux (bitter mouth), dry mouth, gastric ulcers, intestinal ulcers, etc.
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