Michał Wurszt about Extreme Ink - Warm colour tones

Jeśli interesuje Cię dobieranie odpowiednich odcieni farb do tatuażu to koniecznie sprawdź to video! Świetny i ceniony tatuator z naszego proteam’u - Michał Wurszt - opowie o swoich ulubionych ciepłych odcieniach Xtreme Ink i na pewno zainspiruje Cię do dalszego tworzenia i progresu w pracy! If you are interested in choosing the right shades of tattoo inks then be sure to check out this video! A great and respected tattoo artist from our proteam - Michal Wurszt - will talk about his favourite warm shades of Xtreme Ink and will surely inspire you to continue creating and progressing in your work! 🔸Our Store: 🔸 Subscribe to this channel: We are also here: 👉 Facebook: 👉 Instagram: 👉 TikTok: @kwadron_official Recorded and edited: Bartek Modrzejewski 🎬 Do you have any questions or suggestions? Write them in the comments! #KWADRON #tattoo #tatuaż #xtremeink #tusz #MichałWurszt
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